I admit it. It's true.
I'm starting to get old.
I have all the signs and symptoms: the ankles that creak as I stand up; the one gray hair that just keeps growing back; the huffing and puffing that starts as soon as I'm halfway up the stairs (though that may be more a sign of my habit of sitting around in class for weeks at a time). But the biggest sign: my brain just isn't what it used to be. Then again, my brain may never have been what I imagine it to have been in my younger years. I can still remember the frustration of having finally thought of the perfect gift to ask for at Christmas time only to forget it before having the chance to let anyone else know.
So what does getting old have to do with anything? Not much, really. But my memory, or lack of it at times, set me up for a big surprise.
Before moving to Texas, I had been thinking of where I wanted to live, what my ideal conditions would be, who I'd live with; and I had decided that I wanted to live with a middle aged couple who would have enough of a life that I could have the freedom to come and go as I needed without feeling as though they were counting on me. So I asked God to make that happen. Now as I started to look on Craig's list for a place to stay, and as I was in touch with the school, the only options I heard about were with other people my age, or in apartments. When I got down here, the same story presented itself. As I continued to look, I totally forgot my ideal as even just finding a relatively suitable place was enough of a challenge for me, but now, as I take note of where God has put me for the first month of this program, I couldn't have asked for anything better. He answered my prayer to a 'T', and has blessed beyond my expectations. I guess that just goes to show again that He does answer prayers, even when I forget about them :)
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