{a student's account of life in El Paso}

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


As you can see from the title, this post is about my hair. Now if you know me, you know that I spend hours and hours agonizing over my hair to get it to look as good as it does...or not. But in the five minutes I take on it, I try to make it look presentable. Now if this were a perfect world, I'd never have to take time for my hair. It wouldn't get greasy, it wouldn't look like a wet dog, and it wouldn't give me any worries.
But this world is by no means perfect, and I ran out of shampoo two weeks ago. Having no extra baking soda in the house, I decided that I would actually go out and buy some real shampoo like a normal person, so I headed to Walmart. Going through the beauty and hair aisle, I first found the cheapest brand, then the biggest bottle that didn't smell like something edible. I threw it in with my other purchases and didn't put any more thought into it. Not till the trouble started.
Before continuing, I have to let you in on a bit of a secret. I don't like washing my hair. And my hair usually lets me get away with that. In fact, I usually only need to wash it two or three times a week. Some of you might think that's crazy. Others might think I'm turning into a hippie midwife (don't worry, I've been doing this for years already). Whatever the case, it's my hair.
Moving on with the actual story...
Any girl knows that when you buy a new shampoo, there's always that 'getting used to each other' stage. This means that for a couple of days your hair can look pretty greasy no matter how often you wash it. Though I dislike this stage, I was prepared for it, and spent a week washing my hair every single day. But when on the second week my hair was still greasy by the end of a day, I was getting a little frustrated. Discouraged over my greasy hair (it wasn't even dry from washing it yet), this morning it finally clicked. I ran to the bathroom, realized there was some guy in it (a housemate's visitor), so I went to the kitchen and ate my breakfast as nonchalantly as I could before running back to the bathroom and checking the bottle.
This whole time, I had been using conditioner.

I was using conditioner this whole time and yet was looking for the results that only shampoo would give. The conditioner was doing exactly what it was made for, it made my hair sleek and shiny (and greasy), and I was frustrated that it was doing what it was made to do. It makes me think; how often do I expect certain work or results from people, when they are made by God to be doing something totally different? How often am I discouraged when I see the 'wrong results', when really everything is working exactly the way God has made it too? How often is it that my expectations are wrongly placed?


  1. i've heard that if you don't wash your hair for 6 months your body will deal with the grease in your hair naturally... here is an article about it: http://fulfilledhomemaking.com/no-poo-shampoo/

  2. That is something that someday I'd love to try!
