{a student's account of life in El Paso}

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Did Somebody Say Road Trip?

As promised, here is are some highlights from the road trip that brought me down here to Texas. This is also my first try at a blog with pictures :) We'll see how it goes.

My brother and I left from Canada on a Friday, and before we even got to our place for the night we had hit up one of the best tourist attractions of the world, the worlds largest cow:

As you can tell, this cow is afraid of nothing! It is evident that she has seen her fair share of tumultuous weather, and she faces the storm with a head held high.

The cow was an impressive sight, not even topped by a trip up Enchanted Highway to see one of the world's largest scrap metal sculptures:

Our first night we Mennonited Our Way, meeting a very welcoming and hospitable older couple who had been taking in travelers for longer than I have been alive. They were a sweet couple with many interesting stories to tell about others like us who traveled through their home. It makes me wonder what kind of stories will be told about our time at their place :)

The next day, armed with a map from our hosts and looking for adventure, we met up with this guy and his three buddies at this place called Rushmore:

For the night we made it to my brother's former school in the Colorado mountains. I don't know how my brother's night went, but I got to hang out with some young ladies who are working at the school, and I was encouraged by hearing and sharing what God has been up to in our lives.
Though the chat was heart warming, I spent the night in a room with the window open, and by morning there was no doubt in my mind that we were in the mountains. There was even frost to scrape off the windshield before we went out for this delicious-looking breakfast with my brother's friend at Sharky's:

From there we made quick work of the next stretch to my friends' house where we spent Sunday night. The next morning we made our way into New Mexico, enjoying the entertainment of the dose of daily driving pictures:

and even taking the time to stop at the gorgeous white sands park:

We finally made it to Texas, and after picking up my parents and before taking my brother to the airport, we took one final adventure to the hill in El Paso. It cost a bit of money to hike the trail, so seeing as we didn't have much water or time, and we might be a bit cheap too, we opted for a picture in front of the sign for the trail:

I thank God for safety on our trip down, and I thank my brother for bringing a sense of adventure to such a long trek. What an experience!

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