{a student's account of life in El Paso}

Sunday, September 23, 2012

First 24

Well folks, I survived. I made it through my first 24 hour shift at the clinic. Now it's not as bad as it might sound. For the most part being on shift for 24 hours means that we stay at the clinic, sleep upstairs, and only get up if someone comes pounding on the door in labour. So it's not like they expect us to be awake and fully functioning for 24 hours straight...unless it's a night like this night was. After a day of appointments, question after question in spanish, feeling bellies and getting midwives to confirm my findings, and drawing blood for the first time on a client(!!), the student midwife I was to shadow in case of a birth was taking care of a new mother who was waiting for the imminent arrival of her firstborn son. In light of that, my night was spent bringing water, giving backrubs and pressure, and supporting her in any way possible. This lasted till shortly after 2am, after which her son was born and I was able to learn how to administer postpartum care in the midst of doing all the laundry. That said, my first shift was amazing: getting to learn so much about the workings of the clinic, and then getting to see the beautiful messy miracle of birth! what a day!

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