{a student's account of life in El Paso}

Friday, December 21, 2012

General News

I just realized that I haven't been writing for a whole week now. Since I don't have anything of particular importance to share, I think I'll just share with you what my week has been like...if I can remember it all.

If the week starts on Sunday, then I started off my week with work. I got to the clinic a 7:30 in the morning, and started shift at 8. Sundays are busy days, as they are the days that everyone else has off. I spent the day doing prenatal appointments, talking with the moms-to-be, listening to their concerns and discomforts, and giving recommendations about things that four months ago I had never even heard about. I also got to do some postpartum appointments, looking at the mom's general health and recuperation, weighing, watching, and listening to the baby, and answering any questions or concerns.
I can't remember if the night was busy or not, so I'm assuming I spent most of it sleeping.

Monday morning I got off work at 8 in the morning, and stayed at the school to finish up some homework and tally up numbers. I had class in the afternoon; then made my way up to the top of a hill to watch the sunset before heading home and dropping into bed.

Tuesday morning I woke up early to do my laundry and had it all hanging on the line before I headed off to my end of quarter evaluation with the academic director. The end result: I'm still in the program! I stayed over at the clinic helping answer phones until lunch, when I biked home to take care of my laundry. Then I peddled back to the school for birth talk class in the afternoon (a class where we debrief births that we've been a part of). In the evening I again went to watch the sunset before racing home to do some cleaning and baking before our potluck/party started. I enjoyed talking to the people that came, and reading stories to the kids that were running around. Then I excused myself so I could be in bed by ten.

Wednesday I was back at the clinic by 7 in the morning. I spent all day hopping from appointment to appointment. The older students had class in the morning, so that left only us new students in the clinic. Needless to say, we had a busy morning, and after lunch was about the same. After cleaning the clinic together in the evening, I was in bed long enough to fall asleep when the doorbell rang. I took care of the client and admitted her before passing her vital rounds off the the student in charge. Then I went back to bed for a couple more hours before getting up again to check out and admit another young lady.

Thursday: Since I was up already, I mixed together a batch of schnetke for a snack. I had just gotten them out of the oven when 'birth team' was called. Since I was doc, I ran into the room (it was 7:30am by this time) to write down everything necessary, and was out of the room by 8:00am just in time to get off shift and hand over to the new troops. I stuck around a bit more to help fill out the postpartum paper work, then went home to change and eat. On my way home, there was a truck that was moving a bed. Right before we passed, the wind picked up the mattress and dropped it down onto the street. The look on the drivers face was priceless!  I was back to the school an hour later to help decorate for a retirement party we'll be having tomorrow. I helped out until class time, and after class I had some time to breathe as I walked to church, watching the sun set, and enjoying the fresh air. Waiting for music practice to start, I got to have a long chat with my parents. It was so nice to catch up with them.

Today, Friday, I went to a solstice gathering at the school in the morning, just to see what it was like...and to eat the free breakfast! I stopped in at a friends house, and we chatted and relaxed over a cup of tea before I moved on to the library to catch up a bit on emails, do some homework, and write this blog. :)

Now it is time for me to go home and go to bed, because tomorrow is another day on the job.

Writing it all out makes me see that there is a lot that I do in a week, but I am thankful to God that I love my job, and I love my life. What a blessing it is.

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