{a student's account of life in El Paso}

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Just Another Day

As you can tell by my lack of a post on Chrsitmas Day, life at the clinic isn't super exciting, even if it's Christmas. Thanks to all the family gatherings the day was a slow one, giving me enough time to watch the Sound of Music. The night was a different story. A lot of women came in stating contractions, hoping to have their baby before the day was out. But alas, there was only one birth on Christmas day.

But, even with being far away from home, I did get a Christmas package! And guess what it was!
That's right, I got socks! Just what I had wanted...no really, it's true.

The thing is, these days I use socks every day. Working in a clinic, closed toed shoes are mandatory, so socks are kind of a necessity. Now, those of you who know me, might know that brown is one of my favourite colours to wear (it comes right behind blue). This means that my brown socks having been getting a workout. It turns out that the soles of my brown socks have been running a little thin as of late, and the day I got those beautiful new brown socks from my dear mother, I took of my shoes at the end of the day to discover that my old socks had finally worn right through.
Between the intuition of a mother and the all-seeing eyes of God, the timing was impeccable!

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